Isabella Kriescher - Animal Massage Therapist

Isabella is a fully qualified and fully insured level 4 animal massage therapist in the South Wales area. Alongside work, she is currently studying in her second year of a BSc Veterinary Physiotherapy degree at Plumpton College (Regulated by the RAU). Isabella has worked closely with animals, dogs in particular, for the past 5 years. Alongside her massage therapy business, she is also employed as a part time canine rehabilitation assistant at The Retreat Canine Hydrotherapy and Wellness Centre, Swansea.

Isabella only works within her scope of practice and to the ability she is trained as per The Ramp Scope of Practice. Isabella does not treat any animals with pre-existing health conditions and as per The Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 2015, she does not require veterinary referal however does require owner consent prior to booking initial appointments.